A post release version development build of my game for Ludum Dare 40


Click (on adjacent item): Pick up item.

Click (on enemy): Attack enemy.

Click (in inventory): Equip / Unequip / Eat.

WASD or Arrows: Move.

Spacebar: Pass the turn.

Hovering over items in your inventory shows you information about them.

Hovering over enemies shows there range. Hovering over rabbits shows their hearing range.

Rabbits will run away from player's and enemies, but drop food which if you eat, will regenerate some of your health.

The rate at which monsters spawn around you depends on the sum of the values of all the items in your inventory, so the more items you have on you, the more you get attacked.

The aim is either to survive as long as possible, or to kill as many enemies as possible (up to you which score you try to increase).

Have fun, and don't die!

 - Initial version which added most features.

 - Remove crafting recipes which let you get/remove sticks and stones for free.


 - Added a range indicator, which displays the range of your current weapon, and the range of enemies if you mouse over them.
 - Added in an icon which appears beside an enemy if you are in range of them.
 - Changed the water and grass textures.

 - Added Restart Button (at the top of the screen).
 - Allowed the player to craft things after dying (the user can keep playing after they die, but their score will not increase).
 - When you die you are also shown your high score.

 - Nerfed ranged weapons a lot.
 - Buffed melee weapons a lot.
 - Decreased range of warrior enemy.
 - Buffed using raw resources as weapons, so that attacking with them will actually be a good idea in some circumstances.
 - Made (some) rocks also spawn in desert biomes.
 - Decreased the number of sticks which spawn in grass biomes.
 - A couple of other minor adjustments to item spawn chances.


Visual / UI:
 - Mouse over text now no longer displays attack etc. for items which can't be used as weapons.
 - Mouse over text now displays durability instead of break chance.
 - Made seperate high scores for each version, with an overarching highscore between all versions.

 - The game now no longer starts with 5 enemies already spawned. This gives you some time to get set up whilst they spawn around you.
 - Weapons now have a durability which wears down over time, instead of a break chance (required rewriting most of the inventory code).
 - Weapons which are not at full durability, can't be stacked on top of each other, but can still be used for crafting (this might change later).

 - Reduced the damage and range of the pike a bit (now it's just a spear with longer range, like the crossbow is to the bow), and increased the crafting cost by 1 stone.
 - Decreased the range of the crossbow a bit.
 - Increased the range of the warrior enemy back up to 2.
 - Reduced the value of the crossbow, pike, and refined materials. Now each time you craft or pick up an item the value in your inventory should roughly increase by 1.
 - Slightly increased the damage of bows, crossbows, and arrows (now takes 4 hits to kill a warrior with them instead of 5).
 - Slightly decreased the range of most weapons/enemies (e.g. from 10 to 9.9) so that the circles of area which you can hit don't have a bump at the middle on all 4 sides.
    (e.g. a range of 10 means you could hit an enemy exactly 10 tiles up, but not 10 up and 1 left, or 10 up and 1 right)
    (compare this to a range of 9.9, where you could hit an enemy 9 tiles up, as well as 9 tiles up + 1 left, or 9 tiles up + 2 left, etc.)

 - Made TAB open/close the crafting menu.

 - Made previous best not update to new best when you move after dying.


Visual / UI:
 - Mouse over text now follows the mouse position, and no longer glichily stays there when you stop mousing over an item sometimes.
 - Crafting menu now highlights recipes which you can craft.
 - Added a loading box that comes up when you press the restart button.
 - Inspector now also shows total value of a stack.
 - There is now a separate high score for each version, as well as an overarching high score.

 - Added numbers 1-9 and 0 to switch items in respective slots to the inventory.
 - Made it so that the user can always left click or right click, since the distinction wasn't required.

 - Improved the enemy AI. They now won't try to move into tiles which are impassable. Instead they will go towards the player (if possible), then if they can't move towards the player (without going to the square they came from),
     they will follow one wall until they can move towards the player without going directly back on themselves. This will get them towards the player most of the time, unless...
        ... the enemy starts following the wall in the wrong direction, in which case they will go around until they are far enough away from the player to despawn.
        ... if the enemy has to move away from you in two directions (e.g. diagonally away from you) they will often get stuck going around in loops. This might be fixed in a later version, but shouldn't happen too often because of
                the changes to enemy spawning.
 - Changed enemy spawning. The enemies now spawn within 6ish tiles of the player, then instantly pathfind away from the player until they are a certain distance away from them. This means that enemies won't spawn in places
     such that they can't get to you after they spawn.

 - Increase the number of arrows crafted with the arrow crafting recipe from 5 to 6.
 - Balanced the spawnrate since the way that enemies spawn changed (Will need testing to balance).

 - Enemies can no longer attack you on the turn that you kill them.
 - Made it so that multiple presses of the restart button are only registered as a single press.


 - Increased enemy spawn rate back to what it was. The difficilty of the game may still need more balancing however, because making it so that enemies can no longer attack you on the turn that you kill them has made the
      game easier.


 - Fixed a bug that made the player invincible, and allowed enemies to pass through the player, because on the first turn of the game, the visual indicater for the players range wasn't working. No idea why this became a problem now.


 - Decreased enemy spawn rate again to 75% of what it was in 1.2

Visual / UI:
 - Added a box which displays the probability that a monster will spawn next game tick.

 - Added a click to move option. If enabled the player can left click to move around, and right click to interact with objects (For now, can enable / disable by pressing "P", default disabled).


 - Changed how the game determines if an enemy should spawn. It used to be a straight probability each turn after you move. Now instead, the game figures out the average number of turns it would take for an enemy to spawn,
      using the average spawn probability since the last enemy spawns. It then sees if you've taken a number of steps more than that number (plus a random factor of +/- 0.5 turns), and if you have, it spawns a monster.
      This should make monsters spawn a lot more consistently, reducing the amount of luck involved.
 - Changed base spawn rate from 2% to 1.5%.
 - Increased how much the total value of items in your inventory affects the enemy spawn rate from 0.1 to 0.17.
 - Incoorperating both of those changes, the new formular for monster spawn rate is: prob = 0.02 * (1 + 0.15 * total value of everything in inventory), where 0 = 0% and 1 = 100%.

 - Fixed 2 bugs in the 2d array code, which was the first code which I wrote for this game. Both of the bugs could cause the game to behave weirdly, e.g. the player stepping outside of their range indicator etc.
     - The first of these was that the code which calculated the maximum y value in the array, used some data about the x direction instead of the y direction.
     - If you asked the code about a tile at the very edge of what had been calculated, it wouldn't give you it.
 - Fixed a bug whereby if click to move is enabled, whenever you craft something in your inventory, the player moves to the right.
 - Decreased the chance that enemies will spawn on screen by increasing the maximum number of moves they can take to try to path away from the player, and slightly increasing how far they spawn away from the player, since the prev.
       range still allowed enemies to spawn on screen if they spawned in one of the corners of the screen.

VERSION 1.5a1:

   - Added rabbits.
   - They will hop around and do nothing by default.
   - If any enemies / the player gets too close to them, they will run away from them for a while.
   - If anything attacks them, they will run away for a while longer, and faster for 1 turn.
   - If you kill a rabbit, it will drop meat, which you can eat to regain life.

   - Added armour.
   - There are two different armour slots. One for helmets, one for chestpieces.
   - Armour doesn't add linearly (e.g. if you wear a helmet which blocks 10% damage, and a chestplate which blocks 20% damage, then total damage blocked = (100% - (100% - 10%)(100% - 20%)) = (100% - 90% * 80%) = (100% - 72%) = 28%.

 - Added a visual indicator of health.

Made withUnity